Document Type
- Part of a Book (2)
- Article (1)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Gefahrenabwehr (4) (remove)
Für den Verkehr auf Straße und Schiene sowie für den Luft- und Seeverkehr sind kritische Infrastrukturen oft die zentralen Knotenpunkte, ohne deren Funktionieren der Güter- und Personenverkehr erheblich beeinträchtigt werden kann. Die Wichtigkeit funktionierender und robuster Verkehrsnetze und eben dieser Knotenpunkte wird bei Betrachtung der steigenden Gütertransportmengen von intra-europäischen Transportaktivitäten deutlich: So soll sich der Verkehr zwischen den Europäischen Mitgliedsstaaten bis 2020 verdoppeln. Eine umsichtige Infrastrukturentwicklung spielt daher eine besondere Rolle in Europa. So nehmen Planung und Ausbau des TEN-T-Netzes (Trans-European Networks of Transport) zwischen 2010 und 2030 550 Milliarden Euro in Anspruch. Gerade im Hinblick auf terroristische oder kriminelle Bedrohungen, Großunfälle oder immer intensiver werdende Extremwetterereignisse und andere Naturgefahren spielt die Sicherheit dieser Infrastrukturen eine wichtige Rolle in der Planung neuer sowie beim Betrieb bestehender Bauwerke.
In Germany road tunnels on major roads which are longer than 400 m have to be monitored permanently. For that purpose the tunnels are equipped with a multitude of monitoring and detection systems whose data and messages are transmitted to tunnel control centres. Due to the higher traffic density, the increasing number of tunnels to be monitored and road users" demand of higher safety and security levels, the strains on operating staff of tunnel control centres have continuously been growing. Therefore, innovative approaches have been developed in two recent German research projects: RETISS " Real Time Security Management System, and ESIMAS " Real-time Safety Management System for road Tunnels. Both systems are designed to allow faster and more efficient reaction of tunnel operators in order to maintain the capacity and availability of transport infrastructures but also to improve the safety and security of road users.
Although the EU has implemented some legislation on the security of transport infrastructure in Europe (i.e. EPCIP Directive 2008/114/), the security of transport networks up to date remains a national prerogative. While research has been conducted on a European scale, operative measures are implemented only on the national level. This paper argues for an Europeanisation of transport security, focussing on practicable recommendations for achieving this goal. Additionally, the divergence between a nationally shaped risk perception and the cross-boundary nature of security threats is discussed and possible strategies to overcome this problem are outlined. Furthermore, the paper aims at fostering the debate between (transport) security stakeholders in the EU Member States and presenting incentives and arguments for a shift from a national to a European security rationale.
Improving the security of critical road infrastructure is a major task for owners and operators of tunnels and bridges in the European TEN-T Network (Trans-European Networks of Transport) (European Parliament and Council 1996). Up to now, there has not been a systematic procedure for identifying and assessing critical infrastructure objects and selecting appropriate protection measures. The EC FP7 project SeRoN for the first time presents an innovative methodology in order to support road owners and operators in handling this complex task. This paper describes the methodology and project results in detail by giving an introduction into its practical application.