Evaluation of occupant excursion and restraint in rollover
- Providing effective occupant protection in rollover crashes requires supplying the occupant with a restraint system proven effective in the dynamic rollover accident mode. Preventing ejection and providing restraint sufficient to prevent potentially injurious contacts with both interior and exterior vehicle components is paramount for effective rollover occupant protection. Research has shown that the injury potential can be decreased by closely coupling the occupant to the seat. This paper focuses on the effect of restraint system slack and its relationship to occupant excursion and ejection potential during rollover. Various restraint system configurations are evaluated in rollover-type test environments. A review of prior research is presented prior to presenting new quasi-static vehicle inversion studies conducted with live surrogate occupants. Additionally, dynamic rollover testing utilizing anthropometric test devices (ATDs) is presented. The influence of belt looseness and effects of various restraint designs on the belted occupants' injury potential are discussed.
Verfasserangaben: | S.E. Meyer, A. Oliver, D. Hock, B. Herbst |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:hbz:opus-bast-5138 |
Dokumentart: | Konferenzveröffentlichung |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online): | 03.08.2012 |
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung: | 2010 |
Beteiligte Körperschaft: | Safety Analysis & Forensic Engineering <Goleta, Calif.> |
Datum der Freischaltung: | 03.08.2012 |
Freies Schlagwort / Tag: | Herausschleudern; Insasse; Konferenz; Leistungsfähigkeit (allg); Sicherheitsgurt; Verhütung; Versuch; Zug (mech); Überschlagen Conference; Efficiency; Ejection; Overturning; Prevention; Safety belt; Tension; Test; Vehicle occupant |
Quelle: | 4rd International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research", S. 132-146 |
Institute: | Sonstige / Sonstige |
DDC-Klassifikation: | 6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten |
collections: | BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 91 Fahrzeugkonstruktion |
BASt-Beiträge / Tagungen / International Conference on ESAR / 4th International Conference on ESAR | |
Lizenz (Deutsch): | BASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz |