- Bewertung (1)
- Calibration (1)
- Diagnostik (1)
- Dispersion (stat) (1)
- Drunkenness (1)
- Eichung (1)
- Evaluation (assessment) (1)
- Risikoverhalten (1)
- Risk taking (1)
- Standardabweichung (1)
- Trunkenheit (1)
As bearing capacity measurements become more and more important, the necessity of assuring quality by establishing a QA system becomes more relevant. Within this context, the FGSV recommends the introduction of comparative measurements. Since 2015, two pilot events took place, with the main aim of introducing repetitive comparative measurements, in which all FWD operators shall participate. The results of the comparative measurements show that the basic principles behind comparative measurements (of the FWD), elaborated as a Europe-wide consensus and put into practice in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, are valid, but still there is a variety of questions to be answered concerning certain details of the measuring system itself, e. g. measurement of the temperatures (air, pavement) and the impact of load introduction. All in all, the two pilot events in 2015 and 2016 proved that the comparability of the different FWD measuring devices is satisfactory.