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Method for in-depth traffic accident case-control studies

  • Internationally, the need is expressed for harmonized traffic accident data collection (PSN, PENDANT, etc.). Together with this effort of harmonization, traffic accident investigation moves more and more in the direction of accident causation. As current methods only partly address these needs, a new method was set up. The main characteristics of this method are: • Accident/injury causation (associated) factors can objectively be identified and quantified, by comparison with exposure information from a normal population. • All relevant accident and exposure data can be included: human-, vehicle-, and environmental related data for the pre-crash, crash and postcrash situation (the so-called Haddon matrix). The level of detail can be chosen depending on interest and/or budget, which makes the method very flexible. In this paper the accident collection and control group method are presented, including some of the achieved results from a pilot study on 30 truck accidents and 30 control locations. The data were analyzed by using cross-tabulations and classification-tree analysis. The method proved useful for the identification of statistically significant causational aspects.

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Verfasserangaben:Y.W.R. DeVries, N.A. Jongerius
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):01.08.2012
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2007
Beteiligte Körperschaft:TNO Automotive
Datum der Freischaltung:01.08.2012
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Analyse (math); Datenerfassung; Konferenz; Statistik; Unfall; Ursache; Verfahren
Accident; Analyse (math); Cause; Conference; Data acquisition; Method; Statistics
weitere beteiligte Körperschaft: DAF Trucks <Eindhoven>
Quelle:2nd International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research", S. 110-118
Institute:Sonstige / Sonstige
DDC-Klassifikation:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
collections:BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 80 Unfallforschung
BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 81 Unfallstatistik
BASt-Beiträge / Tagungen / International Conference on ESAR / 2nd International Conference on ESAR
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoBASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz

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