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Methods for analyzing the efficiency of primary safety measures based on real life accident data

  • Primary safety measures are designed to help to avoid accidents or, if this is not possible, to stabilize respectively reduce the dynamics of the vehicle to such an extent that the secondary safety measures are able to act as good as possible. The efficiency of a primary safety measure is a criterion for the effectiveness, with which a system of primary safety succeeds in avoiding or mitigation the severity of accidents within its range of operation and in interactionwith driver and vehicle. Based on Daimler-´s philosophy of the "Real Life Safety" the reflection of the real world accidents in the systems range of operation is both starting point as well as benchmark for its optimization. This paper deals with the methodology to perform assessments of statistical representative efficiency of primary safety measures. To be able to carry out an investigation concerning the efficiency of a primary safety measure in a transparent and comparable way basic definitions and systematics were introduced. Based on these definitions different systematic methods for estimating efficiency were discussed and related to each other. The paper is completed by presenting an example for estimating the efficiency of actual "single" and "multi" connected primary safety systems.

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Verfasserangaben:Helmut Schittenhelm, Jörg Bakker, Heiko Bürgkle, Peter Frank, Joachim Scheerer
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):02.08.2012
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2009
Beteiligte Körperschaft:Daimler AG
Datum der Freischaltung:02.08.2012
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Abstandsregeltempomat; Aktives Sicherheitssystem; Auffahrunfall; Bremsung; Leistungsfähigkeit (allg); Unfallverhütung; Verfahren; Zusammenstoß
Accident prevention; Active safety system; Adaptive cruise controll; Braking; Collision; Efficiency; Method; Rear end collision
Quelle:3rd International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research", S.149-160
Institute:Sonstige / Sonstige
DDC-Klassifikation:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
collections:BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 81 Unfallstatistik
BASt-Beiträge / Tagungen / International Conference on ESAR / 3rd International Conference on ESAR
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoBASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz

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