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Analysing driver assistant systems with a socio-technical hazard analysing methodology

  • Nowadays human-created systems are increasing in complexity due to the interaction of humans and technology. Especially road traffic systems are composed of multitudinous resources (e.g. personnel, vehicles, organizations, etc.), which make it even harder to anticipate the positive and negative effects on safety. One key in achieving a significant reduction of fatalities is seen in driver assistant systems counterbalancing the lack of drivers' capabilities. But the actual outcome of implementing these sophisticated technologies especially on influencing driver's capabilities are yet unknown. Latest research exemplifies an increase of reaction times of drivers in case of dysfunctional driver assistant systems. This research paper applies STAMP/STPA (STAMP = systems-theoretic accident model and processes; STPA = systems-theoretic process analysis) to the German automobile traffic system focusing on the effects of driver assistant systems on drivers. By doing so, the potential hazards caused by technology can be identified.

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Verfasserangaben:René Sebastian Hosse, Daniel Beisel, Eckehard Schnieder
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):05.09.2013
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2013
Beteiligte Körperschaft:Institut für Verkehrssicherheit und Automatisierungstechnik <Braunschweig>
Datum der Freischaltung:05.09.2013
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Analyse (Math); Automatisch; Bremse; Deutschland; Ergonomie; Fahrer; Fahrerassistenzsystem; Konferenz; Reaktionsverhalten; Risikobewertung; Sicherheit; Verhalten
Analysis (math); Automatic; Behaviour; Brake; Conference; Driver; Driver assistance system; Ergonomics; Germany; Reaction (human); Risk assessment; Safety
Quelle:5th International Conference on ESAR 2012
Institute:Sonstige / Sonstige
DDC-Klassifikation:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
collections:BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 83 Unfall und Mensch
BASt-Beiträge / Tagungen / International Conference on ESAR / 5th International Conference on ESAR
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoBASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz

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