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Study on characteristics of event data recorders using J-NCAP data

  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and accuracy of Event Data Recorders (EDRs). The analysis was based on J-NCAP crash tests from 2006"2007, with the corresponding EDR datasets. The pre-crash velocity, maximum delta-V and delta-V versus time history data recorded in the EDRs were compared with the reliable crash test data. The difference between the EDR pre-crash velocity and the laboratory test speed was less than 4 percent. In contrast, in several cases the maximum delta-V and delta-V versus time history data obtained from the EDRs showed uncertainty of measurement in comparisons with the reliable delta-V data. The difference in maximum delta-V in these comparisons was more than 5 percent in 10 of 14 tests and more than 10 percent in 4 of 14 tests. The EDRs underestimated the maximum delta-V in almost all tests. It was also concluded that the calculated acceleration from the EDR delta-V versus time history data showed good agreement with the instrumented accelerometer signal during the collision in almost all tests.

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Verfasserangaben:N. Takubo, H. Ishikawa, K. Kato, T. Okuno, R. Oga, T. Ikari
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):02.08.2012
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2009
Beteiligte Körperschaft:National Research Institute of Police Science <Chiba>
Datum der Freischaltung:02.08.2012
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Analyse (math); Aufzeichung; Fahrdatenschreiber; Fehler; Geschwindigkeit; Konferenz; Leistungsfähigkeit (allg); Zusammenstoß
Analysis (math); Collision; Conference; Efficiency; Error; Event data recorder (road vehicle); Recording; Speed
Quelle:3rd International Conference on ESAR "Expert Symposium on Accident Research", S. 54-59
Institute:Sonstige / Sonstige
DDC-Klassifikation:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften / 620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
collections:BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 91 Fahrzeugkonstruktion
BASt-Beiträge / Tagungen / International Conference on ESAR / 3rd International Conference on ESAR
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoBASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz

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