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Evaluation of the novice driver training models "Accompanied driving from 17" and "Voluntary further training seminars for holders of probationary driving licences" : Results up to November 2009

  • The present report is a compilation of the evaluation results obtained by the end of 2009 in respect of the experimental novice driver training models "Voluntary further training seminars for novice drivers" (here: "VFT" model"). The models were initially introduced by the legislator on a trial basis in 2003 and 2005 respectively, and were to be evaluated and tested with regard to their road safety effectiveness prior to making a decision on the permanent integration into the driver licensing system. Alongside the question of road safety effectiveness (summative evaluation), the evaluation studies also analysed the experience gained from practical implementation of the individual concepts (process/formative evaluation). Whereas the safety impact is of direct significance for the decision on permanent adoption of the models, the results of the process evaluation are important independently of this decision for considerations of the possibilities for concept optimisation. The evaluation studies conducted by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) were spread over a total of six sub-projects; complete and conclusive results are available for five of these sub-projects. The evaluation of the VFT model was unable to confirm the road safety effectiveness of this approach. It is especially disturbing to learn that participants in the VFT model display a significantly greater risk of accident involvement and traffic offences compared to novice drivers of the same age and with similar driving experience who have not attended a VFT seminar. Possible causes, insofar as a directly causal effect of the VFT participation is excluded, can most reasonably be assumed to lie in the curtailed effectiveness of the probationary licence rules in the case of VFT participants (participation is honoured with a shortening of the probationary period by up to one year) and self-selection effects in conjunction with VFT participation (model may attract above all those novice drivers with a tendency to conspicuous driving behaviour, as a means to achieve a shortening of the probationary period). In view of the significantly poorer driving behaviour of the VFT participants, and against the background of the aforementioned plausibility considerations regarding the underlying causes, however, it seems expedient to already now remove the incentive of a shorter probationary period in case of VFT participation. The evaluation of practical implementation of the VFT model revealed the need for further development of several points. This refers to the quality of the active, attitude-building training forms to be applied by the seminar leaders and moderators, as well as questions concerning optimised seminar organisation in the interest of training quality. It is here recommended that the seminar concept be subjected to a thorough review, and that the conditions for concept-adequate implementation be improved.

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Verfasserangaben:Georg Willmes-Lenz, Frank Prücher, Heidrun Großmann
Datum der Veröffentlichung (online):25.06.2012
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2009
Datum der Freischaltung:25.06.2012
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Begleitetes Fahren; Fahranfänger; Fahrausbildung; Führerschein; Gesetzesübertretung; Jugendlicher; Provisorisch; Psychologische Gesichtspunkte; Risiko; Sicherheit; Unfall; Wirksamkeitsuntersuchung
Accident; Accompanied driving; Adolescent; Driver training; Driving licence; Impact study; Offence; Psychological aspects; Recently qualified driver; Risk; Safety; Temporary
Sonstige beteiligte Person:Schade, Franz Dieter ; Heinzmann, Hans-Jürgen
Institute:Abteilung Verhalten und Sicherheit im Verkehr / Abteilung Verhalten und Sicherheit im Verkehr
DDC-Klassifikation:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 38 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr / 380 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr
collections:BASt-Beiträge / ITRD Sachgebiete / 83 Unfall und Mensch
Lizenz (Deutsch):License LogoBASt / Link zum Urhebergesetz

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